Caveat: Not all courses will run in all years. This list may be subject to change without prior warning.
Winter Term (October - February)
Private Law
Criminal Law
Public Law
Foundations of Law
Legal Soft Skills
* This course may not be available in all years.
* This course may not be available in all years.
If you study at Freie Universität Berlin for one or two semesters in the context of an exchange program (Erasmus or direct exchange), you may sign up for courses in Berlin and German Studies.
Program: Courses in this program cover key aspects of German history, culture, and society in a European perspective, providing knowledge relevant to an understanding of current affairs, culture and everyday life in contemporary Berlin (and Germany more generally), help you acquire academic and intercultural skills which are useful in a German-speaking academic environment and give you more confidence regarding your spoken and written (academic) German.
Caveat: Not all courses will run in all years. This list may be subject to change without prior warning.
Summer Term (April - July)
Private Law
Criminal Law
Public Law
Foundations of Law
Legal Soft Skills
* This course may not run in all years.
* This course may not be available in all years.
If you study at Freie Universität Berlin for one or two semesters in the context of an exchange program (Erasmus or direct exchange), you may sign up for courses in Berlin and German Studies.
Program: Courses in this program cover key aspects of German history, culture, and society in a European perspective, providing knowledge relevant to an understanding of current affairs, culture and everyday life in contemporary Berlin (and Germany more generally), help you acquire academic and intercultural skills which are useful in a German-speaking academic environment and give you more confidence regarding your spoken and written (academic) German.