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Privatdozent Dr. Björnstjern Baade



Boltzmannstr. 3
Room 4430
14195 Berlin


Winter 2024/25 Visiting Professor at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Since Winter
Visiting Professor at various German universities (inter alia Freiburg, Marburg, Würzburg and HU Berlin)



(Senior) Research Fellow at the Institute for Public and International Law of Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger)

Post-doc in the Berlin-based working group "Towards a Proceduralization of International Law?" of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Research stay in Heidelberg Oct./Nov. 2017)


Doctorate in Law


Second State Examination in Law


Clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht)

Stages inter alia at the Federal Constitutional Court, Foreign Office (Division 500, general public international law)

Jan.-March 2014

Research stay at the European Court of Human Rights


First State Examination in Law

Participation in the National Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court in Münster

(Gleis Lutz Best Oralist Award / Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Award for the best memorials)

2008 Certificate of Higher Education in English Law


DFG-Workshop "For the Protection of the Republic? Regulating Disinformation and Hate Speech in the European Interbellum"
20 September 2024, Berlin

Introduction and presentation on Disinformation and Hate Speech in the Weimar Republic

Working Group "Norms, Times, Texts", Humboldt University Berlin
3 June 2024, Berlin
Discussion on „The Law of Frank Herbert's Dune - Legal Culture Between Cynicism, Earnestness and Futility"

Global Public Law Works-in-Progress Workshop, University of Münster
25 May 2024, Münster
Presentation on: Disinformation and Hatespeech in the Weimar Republic

Conference "Disinformation in New and Old Media in the XXI Century Shaping the New Boundaries of Free Speech?" of the University Napoli Federico II in collaboration with the American University (Washington, D.C.)
11 March 2024, Napoli, Italy
Keynote on: Disinformation and Propaganda in Times of War

Max Planck Institut for Research on Collective Goods
5 February 2024, Bonn
Presentation on: An Empirical Analysis of Credibility Assessment in German Asylum Cases

31th Conference of German Red Cross and the Ministry of Defence on International Humanitarian Law: Warfare in the Digital Age
21 April 2023, Stuttgart, Germany
Presentation on: Information Environment, Perfidy, Fake News

Podcast "Ars Boni" of the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law of the University of Vienna
4 April 2023, online
Interview on: Truth and Law

11th Göttingen Talks on Agricultural Law:
4 November 2022, Göttingen, Germany
Presentation on: Regulatory Truth on the Example of Glyphosate

ICON-S Germancy Conference: „Margins in Law“
16 September 2022, Gießen, Germany
Presentation on: Margins in the Legal Pursuit of Truth

International Summer School: “Human Rights in Theory and Practice – the European Convention on Human Rights in Times of Crisis“
7 September 2021, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Presentation on: The Decisive Difference Between a Lie and an Opinion: When are Fake News Regulations Compatible with the ECHR?

(Dis-)Information: Truth and Fake News in International Law
Podcast of the Völkerrechtsblog

4 June 2021, Berlin, Germany

Conference on European Law and Policies against Hybrid Threats
20 May 2021, University College Cork, Ireland
Discussant on Panel about Disinformation

Online Expert Meeting of the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Presentation on: International law and policy on disinformation in the context of freedom of the media

Conference of the Legal Service of the German Federal Armed Forces
Presentation on “Information Warfare and Fake News”

Cyber Interference in Elections: Applying a Human Rights Framework, Roundtable,
Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)

Participation in Roundtable Discussion

Annual Conference of the German Society of Military Law and International Humanitarian Law
30 November 2018, Berlin, Germany
Presentation on: Information Warfare and Fake News

The Past in the Present: The European Convention on Human Rights, its Historical Roots and Current Challenges, Workshop
8 November 2018, Berlin, Germany
Presentation on: Historical Truth Before the European Court of Human Rights

IV Congreso Internacional De Derecho - Retos De La Justicia En Torno A Las Dinámicas Territoriales De Paz, Konferenz
4 October 2018, Villavicencio, Colombia
Presentation on: Post-Conflict Land Restitution: The German Experience in Relation to Colombian Law 1448 of 2011

58th Conference of Young Scholars in Public Law
21 February 2018, Regensburg, Germany
Presentation on: The Use of Official Country Reports as Evidence in the Determination of Subsidiary Protection Status

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
17 October 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
Presentation on: Fake News and International Law

Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe (KFG) “The International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline?”
24 November 2016, Berlin, Germany
Presentation on: A Guardian of Discourse, or: What is the ECtHR doing for us?


Association of German Constitutional Lawyers (VDStRL)
European Society of International Law
German Society of International Law (DGIR)
German Society of Military Law and the Law of War (DGWHV)
International Society of Public Law (ICON-S)
Junge Wissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht (JuWiss)
Völkerrechtsblog – Advisory Board

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Winter 2024/25)

General Administrative Law
Advanced Planning Law
Seminar on the Foundations of International Human Rights Law

Humboldt University Berlin (Summer 2024)

The Law of Social Media
International Humanitarian Law
Civil Rights Exam
European Law and Public International Law for the State Exam

University of Würzburg (Winter 2023/24)

World Trade Law
International Investment Law
Advanced Constitutional Law
European Law and Public International Law in the German Legal Order

Humboldt University Berlin (Summer 2023)

The Law of Social Media
International Humanitarian Law
International Human Rights
European Law and Public International Law for the State Exam

FernUniversität in Hagen (Winter 2022/23)

Introduction to Legal Methodology and Thinking (Propädeutikum)

Philipps-Universität Marburg (Summer 2022)

German Public Law
Planning Law
Constitutional History
Local Law

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Winter 2021/22)

German Public Law
Public International Law
European Law

Freie Universität Berlin (2014-2020)

Civil and Human Rights (12 courses, 2014-2020)
Public International Law (Winter 2020/21, 2019/20)
Constitutional Law (Winter 2019/20)
General Administrative Law (Winter 2020/21, 2018/19)


I. Monographies

Wahrheit und Recht – Störung und Schutz regulatorischer, asylrechtlicher und medialer Wahrheitsfindung [Truth and Law – Interference with and protection of truth-seeking in media and asylum law as well as in regulatory contexts], Mohr Siebeck 2023.

Book review: Stephan Rixen, JuristenZeitung (JZ) 2024, 512.

Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte als Diskurswächter: Zur Methodik, Legitimität und Rolle des Gerichtshofs im demokratisch-rechtsstaatlichen Entscheidungsprozess [The European Court of Human Rights as a Guardian of Discourse], Springer (Contributions on Comparative Public Law and International Law) 2017.


II. Edited Volumes

Cynical International Law? Abuse and Circumvention in Public International and European Law, Springer (Contributions on Comparative Public Law and International Law) 2021 (co-edited with Dana Burchardt, Prisca Feihle, Alicia Köppen, Linus Mührel, Lena Riemer and Raphael Schäfer).

International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood: Adaptable and Legitimate or Rigid and Unreasonable?, Nomos 2018 (co-edited with Linus Mührel and Anton Petrov).

Verhältnismäßigkeit im Völkerrecht [Proportionality in Public International Law], Mohr Siebeck 2016 (co-edited with Sebastian Ehricht, Matthäus Fink, Robert Frau, Mirka Möldner, Isabella Risini and Torsten Stirner).


III. Commentaries

Arts. 52 and 56 ECHR (March 2019)

Arts. 53, 54, 57, 58, 59 ECHR (December 2022)

in: Pabel/Schmahl (eds.), Internationaler Kommentar zur Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention [International Commentary on the ECHR], looseleaf, (co-authored with Heike Krieger).


IV. Articles

Der Verfassungsschutzbericht im Spiegel der Kritik: Eine politische Waffe mit Bewertungsvorrang? [The Report on the Protection of the Constitution and its Discontents], Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV) 2023,1002–1012.

Der Richtervorbehalt in der Nachprüfung nach dem Digital Services Act [Judicial Authorization of Inspections Under the DSA], Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2023, 788–791.

EU Sanctions Against Propaganda for War – Reflections on the General Court’s Judgment in Case T-125/22 (RT France), Heidelberg Journal of International Law (HJIL) 2023, 257-281.

The Law of Frank Herbert’s Dune: Legal Culture Between Cynicism, Earnestness and Futility, Law & Literature, 2023, 247–277 (Manuscript available here).

An Empirical Analysis of Credibility Assessment in German Asylum Cases, German Law Journal 2023, 310–341 (co-authored with Leah Gölz).

Die Behauptung innerer Tatsachen - eine begründungsbedürftige Meinung? [The Statement of 'Internal Facts' - An Opinion in Need of a Justification?], Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2023, 486–488.

Regulatorische Wahrheitsfindung und Vertrauen am Beispiel des Pflanzenschutzmittelwirkstoffs Glyphosat [Regulatory Truth and Trust on the Example of the Active Ingredient Glyphosate], JuristenZeitung (JZ) 2023, 177–185.

Die Konditionalitätsverordnung: Erwartungen und Realität anlässlich ihrer ersten Anwendung auf Ungarn [The Conditionality Regulation: Expecations and Reality on its First Application to Hungary], Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2023, 132–137.

Der Kampf gegen Desinformation [The Struggle Against Disinformation], Zeitschrift für die Vereinten Nationen [German Review on the United Nations], 201–205.

Quantitative Decision-Making in Subsidiary Protection Cases: Bundesrepublik Deutschland (C-901/19), European Law Review (ELR) 2021, 818–826 (co-authored with Luigi Lonardo).

Post-Conflict Land Restitution: The German Experience in Relation to Colombian Law 1448 of 2011,  World Constitutional Law / Verfassung und Recht in Übersee (VRÜ) 2021, 3–26.

Die „quantitative Mindestschwelle“ des subsidiären Schutzes vor willkürlicher Gewalt im Rahmen eines bewaffneten Konflikts – nur ein Missverständnis? [The "quantitative minimum threshold" for subsidiary protection from indiscriminate violence in situations of armed conflict - just a misunderstanding?], Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2021, 299–302

Das Verbot der Kriegspropaganda im Recht der Europäischen Union [The Prohibition of Propaganda for War in EU Law], Europarecht (EuR) 2020, 653–683

Fake News and International Law, European Journal of International Law (EJIL) 2018, 1357–1376.

„Sehenden Auges dem Tode oder schwersten Verletzungen ausgeliefert“? Die Verwertung von Lageberichten als Beweismittel zur Feststellung der subsidiären Schutzbedürftigkeit von Asylbewerbern [The Use of Country Reports as Evidence in the Determination of Subsidiary Protection Status], Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV) 2018, 806–816.

The ECtHR’s Role as a Guardian of Discourse: Safeguarding a Decision-Making Process Based on Well-Established Standards, Practical Rationality, and Facts, Leiden Journal of International Law (LJIL) 2018, 335–361.

Die Identität der Mehrheit und die Grenzen ihres Schutzes [Majority Identity and the Limits of its Protection], Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts (AöR) 2017, 566–613 (English summary included).

Eine „Charta für Kriminelle“? Zur demokratietheoretischen Kritik am EGMR und dem aktiven Wahlrecht von Strafgefangenen [A ‘Charter for Criminals‘? On the Demoratic Critique of the ECtHR and Prisoners' Right to Vote], Archiv des Völkerrechts (AVR) 2013, 339–368 (English summary included).

Weibliche Angehörige von Minderheiten in Europa und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit – ein Bericht der Europäischen Kommission [Female Members of Minorities in Europe and Gender Equality – a Report by the European Commission], MenschenRechtsMagazin (MRM) 2010, 182–188.


V. Contributions in Edited Volumes

European legal approach to preventing historical disinformation, in: Abraham/Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk (eds.), Disinformation in Memory Politics, Routledge, accepted (14 manuscript pages).

Historical Truth Before the ECtHR, in: Aust/Demir (eds.), The European Court of Human Rights: Current Challenges in Historical and Comparative Perspective, Elgar 2021, 221–243.

How (Not) to Be Cynical in International Law, in: Baade et al. (eds.) Cynical International Law? Abuse and Circumvention in Public International and European Law, Springer 2021, 1–11.

Due Diligence and the Duty to Protect Human Rights, in: Krieger/Peters/Kreuzer (eds.), Due Diligence in the International Legal Order, OUP 2020, 92–110.

Informationskriegführung und Fake News [Information Warfare and Fake News], in: Kielmansegg/Krieger/Sohm (eds.), Die Wiederkehr der Landes- und Bündnisverteidigung: Neue Rechtsfragen eines alten Szenarios [The Return of National and Collective Defence: New Legal Questions for an Old Scenario], Nomos 2020, 161–189.

„Sehenden Auges dem Tode oder schwersten Verletzungen ausgeliefert“? Die Verwertung von Lageberichten als Beweismittel zur Feststellung der subsidiären Schutzbedürftigkeit von Asylbewerbern [The Use of Country Reports as Evidence in the Determination of Subsidiary Protection Status], in: Mülder/Drechsler/Helmrich/Streule/Weitensteiner (eds.), Richterliche Abhängigkeit – Rechtsfindung im Öffentlichen Recht (Tagungsband 58. Assistententagung), Nomos 2018, 71–102.

Concluding Observations: How International Humanitarian Law is Shaped to Meet the Challenges Arising from Areas of Limited Statehood  – Theoretical Problems in Practice, in: Baade/Mührel/Petrov (eds.), International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood: Adaptable and Legitimate or Rigid and Unreasonable?, Nomos 2018, 217–239 (co-authored with Linus Mührel and Anton Petrov).

Introduction: International Humanitarian Law and Areas of Limited Statehood, in: Baade/Mührel/Petrov (eds.), International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood: Adaptable and Legitimate or Rigid and Unreasonable?, Nomos 2018, 21–39 (co-authored with Heike Krieger and Linus Mührel).


VI. Educational Material

Wargaming im Humanitären Völkerrecht  [Wargaming in International Humanitarian Law], Zeitschrift für Didaktik in der Rechtswissenschaft (ZDRW) 2024, 187–190.

(Original-)Referendarexamensklausur – Öffentliches Recht – Racial Profiling an kriminalitätsbelasteten Orten [State exam case on Racial Profiling], Juristische Schulung (JuS) 2024, 158–164.

Die gutachterliche Prüfung im Verwaltungsrecht [Introduction to examinations in administrative law], in: Eisentraut (ed.), Verwaltungsrecht in der Klausur, De Gruyter 2020.

Typische methodische Fehler in grundrechtlichen Klausuren am Beispiel der Liquorentnahme-Entscheidung [Typical methodological mistakes in human rights exams], JuS 2020, 311–315.

Educational exam case "Showdown am Alexanderplatz", JA 2020, 202–211.

Educational exam case „Schwimmunterricht“, in: Krieger/Heintzen, hauptstadtfaelle.de, 2020.

Educational exam case „Klimanotstand“, in: Krieger/Heintzen, hauptstadtfaelle.de, 2020.

Educational case "Amtshaftung im bewaffneten Konflikt und Widerruf ehrenrühriger falscher Tatsachenbehauptungen", JURA 2019, 201–210.

Educational exam case „Die Robe“, in: Krieger/Heintzen, hauptstadtfaelle.de, 2019.

Educational exam case „Water Front Taxi", in: Krieger/Heintzen, hauptstadtfaelle.de, 2017.

V. Varia

Land Restitution as Transitional Justice in Colombia and Germany, IACL-AIDC Blog, 24 June 2021, https://blog-iacl-aidc.org/2021-posts/22-6-24-land-restitution-as-transitional-justice-in-colombia-and-germany.

"Trial by Mathematics” and the EU’s Subsidiary Protection Regime – A “strategic” preliminary reference pending before the CJEU in Case C‑901/19, European Law Blog, 5 March 2021, https://europeanlawblog.eu/2021/03/05/trial-by-mathematics-and-the-eus-subsidiary-protection-regime-a-strategic-preliminary-reference-pending-before-the-cjeu-in-case-c%e2%80%91901-19/.

„Die schwache Gewalt?“ Zur Behauptung judikativer Autorität. Tagung am 14. und 15. September 2020 in Köln ["The Weak Branch?" On the Assertion of Judicial Authority. Conference on 14 and 15 September 2020 in Cologne], JZ 2020, 37-38.

Don’t Call a Spade a Shovel: Crucial Subtleties in the Definition of Fake News and Disinformation, Verfassungsblog, 14 April 2020, https://verfassungsblog.de/dont-call-a-spade-a-shovel/.

Asylrecht auf dem Juristentag: Mehr Rechtseinheit – aber auch mehr Transparenz? [More legal certainty in Asylum Law – but also more transparency?], Verfassungsblog, 1 October 2018, https://verfassungsblog.de/asylrecht-auf-dem-juristentag-mehr-rechtseinheit-aber-auch-mehr-transparenz/.

Der Burkini als Technological Fix [The Burqini as a Technological Fix], Verfassungsblog, 12 January 2017, http://verfassungsblog.de/der-burkini-als-technological-fix/.

16 short contributions to the Bulletin of International Legal Developments (BILD), published by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2008/09 (two of them together with Noreen O’Meara).