Katharina Heermann
Criminal Law & Criminology
Room 3305
14195 Berlin
Born 1993
2011 |
Abitur (high school graduation) at the Niedersächsische Internatsgymnasium Bad Bederkesa, Germany |
2011– 2014 |
Bachelor programme „sociology“ and „gender studies“, Georg-August University of Göttingen, degree: Bachelor of Arts |
2014– 2015 |
Volunteer work: Preparation for release of prisoners, Rosdorf prison |
2015– 2017 |
Student assistant at the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) |
2015– 2017 |
Master programme „Preventive social work studies: Criminology and Crime prevention“, Ostfalia University of Applied Science, degree: Master of Arts |
2017– 2019 |
Research Assistant at the Department of Qualitative social research, Ostfalia University of Applied Science |
2018–Ongoing |
Evaluation of educational offers and social work projects with a focus on democracy building and antidiscrimination |
2019– 2022 |
Lecturer in the bachelor programme „Social Pedagogy, Management & Coaching“, iba University of Cooperative Education Hamburg |
2020 |
Education in mediation, Institute for Constructive Conflict Resolution and Mediation e.V. (ikm) |
2022–Ongoing |
Researcher at the Research Unit Criminal Law and Criminology, Freie Universität Berlin |
- iba University of Cooperative Education Hamburg (2019 – 2022):
- Supervision of research work
- Lecture: Science & Research 1 – 4
- Seminar: Practical Transfer (Research in social work)
- Lecture: Social inequality
- Lecture: Socialization
- Lecture: Diversity & Difference
- Lecture /Seminar: Life course research & biography as method in social work
- Heermann, Katharina (2022). „Egal, was [Menschen] damit anfangen, es hinterlässt einen bleibenden Eindruck […]“. In: KZ-Gedenkstätte Kaltenkirchen (Hrsg.), Kurek F., Czichy, M. (2020). Erinnerung ins Land tragen! Einblicke in Theorie und Praxis. Projekt zur Aus- und Fortbildung von Multiplikator:innen an NS-Gedenkstätten: Nützen.
- Die staatsanwaltliche Abschlussentscheidung im Kontext nicht-rechtlicher Einflussfaktoren, NordKrim (May 2024)
- Diversity and social categorization in law studies and the legal profession. A mixed-methods survey at Freie Universität Berlin, Conference: Practicing Intersectionality in Research, Activism and Politics (December 2023)
- The significance of diversity and social categorization in law studies and the legal profession, EUROCRIM (September 2023)
- Uni im Vollzug. Dem Utopischen auf der Spur. Das Individuum, die Gesellschaft und die Mauer, 82. Jahrestagung der Gilde Soziale Arbeit (March 2023)
- Nicht nur Feedback! Input, Austausch und Mini-Workshop zum Thema Evaluation in der Gedenkstättenpädagogik, „Jugend erinnert“ - Netzwerktreffen (July 2022)