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The Grammar of Property Regimes


Property is one core legal institution in at least any market-based social order. The project aims to sketch a general grammar of the fundamental structures of (private) property regimes by comparing different legal cultures following five key inquiries: (WHY) Which reasons are given to justify private property?; (HOW) Which more specific property rights are attributed to the institution like usage, exclusion, protection or alienation?; (WHAT) Which items are considered to be objects of property like moveables, land, immaterial goods or data?; (WHO) Which subjects could be proprietors, e.g. natural and artificial persons, states, communities?; (WHEN) Which temporal forms do property regimes apply like temporary (e.g., patents, long-term land use rights), lifelong or even longer (e.g., by bequeath)? 

FUELS members: Bertram Lomfeld

Lomfeld, B., Wielsch, D. (eds.) (forthcoming). Eigentum Denken: Perspektiven des Eigentums in den USA und Europa. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck.

Lomfeld, B. (2019) A Political Grammar of Property Law. Humboldt University HSC (Humanity and Social Change) Working Paper.

Lomfeld, B. (2017) Fondements de la propriété [Foundations of Property]. In: Cornu, M., Orsi, F. & Rochfeld, J. (eds.) Dictionnaires des bien communs. Paris, Presses universitaires de France.