Market Power and Market Definition (Module 2)
Abusive Behaviour and Dominant Firms (Module 2)
Florian Deuflhard is a member of the Chief Economist Team of DG COMPETITION at the European Commission since 2022 working on mergers and state aid. He was previously a Consultant at NERA Economic Consulting in Berlin. As a member of the Chief Economist Team, Florian provides guidance on methodological issues of competition economics and financial evaluation in the application of EU competition rules. His case experience covers a wide range of sectors including software, FMCG, banking, transport, energy, and broadband. Florian holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Finance from Goethe University Frankfurt and previously studied in Tilburg, New York, and Berlin. He specializes in Industrial Organization, Household Finance, and Crypto Antitrust. His work has been published in the Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, European Competition Journal, and Competition Policy International.