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6th Jacques Leroy International Prize for law students

News vom 27.04.2015

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA – International Association of Lawyers: www.uianet.org/en) organizes the 6th Jacques Leroy International Prize – Business and Human Rights. All law students under 30 years old are invited to conduct a written reflection (dissertation, pleading, commentary practical case) on a topic related to the theme of Business and Human Rights. In 2015, the topic deals with Human Rights in the Workplace and Supply Chain Monitoring: how can compliance with exacting standards be reconciled with the use of local SMEs in emerging countries?

The winner will be awarded with a free registration for the 2015 Valencia Congress, a cash prize of €1,000 and a free membership in the UIA for a year. A unique opportunity for students to present their work to a panel of experienced lawyers, build a network of contacts from all around the world and move ahead with their future career as an international lawyer.


To help us promoting this prize, we would be grateful if you could share this information with your students with the message below or by any means you would find convenient (more details about the prize itself on the website: http://www.uianet.org/en/content/6th-jacques-leroy-international-prize-%E2%80%93-business-a, a PDF brochure is also available: http://www.uianet.org/sites/default/files/FLYER_2015_LEROY_GB.pdf ).

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