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AI and IT Law - Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology and Computer Law

Course Level

intermediate - advanced / 3rd - 4th year

Course Language


Course Classification

This is a Themis course. It is also open to non-Themis students.

Teaching Mode

Online course with self-study chapters, with a live meeting on campus and a live online discussion session [to be confirmed]

Contact Hours

Apart from the live meeting on campus and from the live online discussion, students will not have to be online during regular course hours. All content will be available at any time. [to be confirmed]

Class Schedule

Students work through course materials and submit a number of quizzes throughout the semester on a weekly basis, commencing on October 16. You will be able to study independently at your own pace most of the time.

The on-campus live session will take place on December 1 or 4. The date will be announced in October and will be published in our electronic course catalogue.

The date for the virtual discussion session will be announced after the beginning of the course.

[to be confirmed]

Class Materials

The course materials consist of a collection of cases and reading materials, posted at www.prof-determann.info. Students have to work through these cases independently and answer a series of quizzes sent via email. [to be confirmed]


5 (if exam has been passed)


This course will be held at irregular intervals. It will be available in the winter term 2024/25.

Course Content

Based on case studies focused on generative artificial intelligence (AI), this course explores laws, industry practices, and policy considerations relating to the development, protection, and commercialization of software, computers, and information technology services. The primary focus will be on U.S. and EU intellectual property law, but we will also cover contracts, antitrust, international and commercial issues, as well as different technology and business models, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing and open source licensing.
We will cover data as an asset, but not information privacy or data protection law topics (which are covered separately in the course "Data Privacy Law", taught at the Law School from time to time).

The virtual discussion will be on AI Regulation.

Prior courses in intellectual property topics are recommended, but not strictly required. An engineering or programming background is not necessary.

[to be confirmed]

Restricted Enrollment

yes (that means that the number of participants is limited and that you might not get a place in this course)

Course Registration

It will not be possible for the students themselves to sign up for this course on Campus Management.
Please inform Professor Determann that you wish to take part in this course by sending an e-mail to ldetermann@bakermckenzie.com AND to frances.say@bakermckenzie.com before [date is to be announced] 2024. An earlier registration is strongly recommended.
The Examination Office will sign you up for this course on Campus Management in November, once it has received the participant list from Professor Determann.

De-Registration from this Course

You may drop this course with a valid cause until 14 days prior to the final exam. Please contact the International Office at the Law Department if you have to use this option.

Type of Exam and Exam Period

The course is focused on practical problem-solving, exercises and quizzes. Assignments will have to be submitted throughout the entire semester. [to be confirmed]

Registration for the Exam

Students will automatically be registered for the exam when they sign up for this course.

De-Registration from the Exam

Students who drop this course via Campus Management are automatically de-registered from the exam. Students who do not drop this course via Campus Management and do not take the exam, are going to finish this course with a non-passing grade (0 points).

Grade Release

via Campus Management