International Dispute Settlement
Course Level
intermediate - advanced / 3rd - 4th year
Course Language
Course Classification
This is a Themis course. It is also open to non-Themis students.
Teaching Mode
5 (if course has been attended regularly and exam has been passed)
This course will be taught at irregular intervals.
Contact Hours
This is an intensive course with class meetings on three entire Saturdays.
Time Schedule and Course Venue
please see our electronic course catalogue
Course Content
How can States settle their disputes? How have the mechanisms of dispute settlement on the international level developed historically? When can States bring other States before international courts and tribunals – and when may these bodies hear cases? How do proceedings in international fora look like? What are the effects of decisions rendered by international courts and tribunals? Do States follow them, can they be enforced, and can they have an impact even if they are not complied with?
These are some of the questions that the course will tackle. It will do so with a focus on the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is currently busier than ever with many high-stakes cases in its docket. Accordingly, we will discuss the above issues based on landmark cases as well as recent and current proceedings, such as the case brought by South Africa against Israel over alleged breaches of the Genocide Convention, by Nicaragua against Germany over support to alleged violations of international law by Israel, the Allegations of Genocide case brought by Ukraine against Russia, as well as the ICJ’s advisory opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the ongoing advisory proceedings on Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change. Beyond the ICJ, other international courts and tribunals will also be considered, including the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the World Trade Organisation’s Dispute Settlement Body, and inter-State as well as mixed arbitration.
Restricted Enrollment
yes (that means that the number of participants is limited and that you might not get a place in this course)
Course Registration
Please sign up for this course under the module "Study Program for Exchange Students - Module 13".
registration period: 1 April 2025, 9 a.m. - 11 April 2025, 12 p.m. (noon)
In order to know if you have obtained a place in this course, please check out your course plan on Campus Management (tab "Stundenplan") from 12 April 2025.
As long as there are still seats available after the registration period has expired, they will be allocated according to the principle "first come, first served" if you sign up by 2 May 2025.
De-Registration from this Course
regular drop period: 1 April 2025, 9 a.m. - 2 May 2025, 12 a.m. (midnight)
After the regular drop period you can only drop this course with a valid cause until 14 days prior to the exam. Please contact the International Office at the Law Department if you have to use this option.
Type of Exam
All participants will prepare a short presentation. The topics will be assigned before the first meeting, on a first-come-first-served-basis through an online survey.
Exam Period
Presentations are going to take place throughout the whole course.
Registration for the Exam
International exchange students will automatically be registered for the exam when they sign up for this course.
De-Registration from the Exam
Students who drop this course via Campus Management are automatically de-registered from the exam. Students who do not drop this course via Campus Management and do not take part any longer, are going to finish this course with a non-passing grade (0 points).
Grade Release