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Model United Nations: Climate, Peace and Security

Course Level

intermediate - advanced / 3rd - 4th year

Course Language


Course Classification

This is a Themis course, although most Themis students who have to be back at their home universities for the second semester will not be able to take part.

The course is also open to non-Themis students.

Contact Hours and Activities

4 hrs per week during the lecture period + several meetings after the end of the lecture period + conference in New York City

Participants must take part in all activities. The final competition will take place in New York in the week before Easter.

[to be confirmed]

Teaching Mode

face-to-face teaching on campus


10 (prerequisites: regular attendance and meaningful contributions of the student)

[to be confirmed]


The course will be held in every winter semester.

Time Schedule and Classroom

please see our electronic course catalogue

Course Description

A Model United Nations is an authentic simulation of the U.N. General Assembly and other multilateral bodies. The popularity of Model U.N. continues to grow; today more than 200,000 high school and college/university students worldwide participate every year. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts participated in Model U.N. during their academic careers. Some Model U.N. exercises take place in the classroom and others are school wide. Still others are regional, national, or even international. These are called conferences, and the events are much larger with participants from all over the world. More than 1,000,000 people have participated in MUN conferences around the world since the conferences became popular over 50 years ago. Today there are more than 400 conferences that take place in 35 countries. Depending on the location, the average conference can have as few as 30 students or as many as 2,000. You should participate in Model U.N. because it increases the capacity for students to engage in problem solving, teaches aspects of conflict resolution, research skills, and communication skills, and creates the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

[to be confirmed]


Participants should have
- very good English language skills
- a broad knowledge about the United Nations
- extraordinary commitment, even beyond this project seminar

[to be confirmed]

Course Fees

approximately 950 EUR, depending on the fundraising activities of the participants

[to be confirmed]

Restricted Enrollment

yes (that means that the number of participants is limited and that you might not get a place in this course)

Course Application

Since there is a high demand from the part of our students to participate in this project, a place cannot be guaranteed. Interested students have to undergo a selection. The application process consists of written applications and interviews.

Applications for the National Model UN will be accepted by [to be announced].

Please include:

  • a CV with personal information (name, address, e-mail, telephone number, age, FU student ID no. [Matrikelnummer], international experience, photo, study program and previous years of studies)
  • a short letter of motivation (in English, ca. 100 words)
  • two short essays in English (ca. 600 words altogether) about the following topic:
    During a General Assembly debate on the war in Ukraine, plans by the United States to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions are discussed. Prepare a written statement for the representatives of Spain and the United States, respectively, in which they explain their government's position towards this issue.

Please send your application to:
Dr. Peggy Wittke
Model United Nations / Model European Union Director
Law Department
Van't-Hoff-Str. 8
D-14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 83 85 47 05
E-mail: peg@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Course Registration

It is not possible to sign up for this course via Campus Management. Once admitted, the Examination Office is going to enroll you in Campus Management for this course.

Course Drop Period

Please contact the course instructor and the International Office at the Law Department if you wish to drop this course.


No exam will be given in this course. Students will receive the grade "Pass" for regular attendance and active contribution, or the grade "Non-Pass" for irregular attendance and/or non-meaningful contribution.

Before you take this course, please ask your home university whether you will be allowed to take a pass / non-pass course where no specific grade will be given.

More Information and Contact


