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Diritto Italiano


Course Type and Course Organization

Lecture / intensive course on four full days

Course Language



3 (if exam has been passed)


The course will be held at irregular intervals. It will be available in the summer term 2015.

Time Schedule and Course Venue

An up-to-date electronic course catalogue will be available for the winter semester from late August to late February and for the summer semester from late February to mid August on the website http://www.fu-berlin.de/vv. Please select "Fachbereiche" - "Rechtswissenschaft" - "Staatsexamensstudiengang" and "Rechtswissenschaft" in order to access the Law courses.

This course is going to take place at the Law Department of the University of Potsdam!

Course Description

A. Della proprieta/ Sachenrecht
I. L'introduzione/ Einleitung

  1. Historischer Überblick
  2. Gemeinsame Wurzeln im Römischen Recht
  3. Internationales Privatrecht
  4. Il codice civile (Cc)

II. Il diritto della proprieta

  1. La proprieta/ Eigentum
  2. I beni mobili e i beni immobili / bewegliche und unbewegliche
  3. Il possesso / Besitz
  4. Possesso e detenzione

III. Acquisto buona fede / gutgläubiger Erwerb

  1. Buona fede
  2. Gutgläubiger Erwerb abhandengekommener Sachen

IV. Immobilienerwerb

  1. Il contratto (kein Abstraktionsprinzip)
  2. La forma

B. Il diritto di famiglia/ Familienrecht
I. Historischer Überblick
II. Il matriomonio / Ehe

  1. Voraussetzungen
  2. La forma
  3. Handschuhehe (il matrimonio per procura)

III. Lo scioglimento / Auflösung

  1. L'annullamento
  2. La separazione
  3. Il divorzio
  4. Il divorzio consensuale

IV. Ehegüterrecht

  1. La comunione dei beni
  2. L'amministrazione / Verwaltung des gemeinsamen Vermögens 3. Mantenimento ed alimenti

C. La filiazione / Kindschaftsrecht
I. La filiazione legittima e naturale

  1. La filiazione legittima
  2. La filiazone naturale
  3. L'equiparazione (riforma)

II. La contestazione / Ehelichkeitsanfechtung
III. La potesta / Elterliche Sorge
IV. L'adozione
V. Kindesentführung
VI. Rechtsvergleich
VII. Zusammenfassung

D. Della successione / Erbrecht
I. Grundzüge

  1. L'erede
  2. la quota
  3. I figli legittimi e naturali

II. Della successione

  1. Il testamento
  2. Il legato

III. Verbot des Erbvertrags

  1. Italienisches Erbrecht
  2. Einvernehmliche Rechtswahl (EU-VO....) IV. Depecage / Rechtsspaltung

V. Rechtsvergleich

Course Registration

Prior registration for this course is not required.


There will be an oral examination.

Registration for the Exam

Students have to register for the exam with the course instructor. They are not required to register formally at the Examination Office.