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Incoming Exchange Students Studying at the Law School of Freie Universität Berlin (Erasmus Code: D BERLIN 01)

Campus Boltzmannstraße

Campus Boltzmannstraße
Image Credit: Grit Rother

Welcome! The Law Department of Freie Universität Berlin is an attractive study abroad destination for many exchange students. During each academic year it is hosting up to 100 exchange students from its various European partner universities and from overseas.

The primary contact point for exchange students is the International Office at the Law School. We provide various services and individual assistance and are working closely with our colleagues from the FU Incoming Office in order to make our guests students' study abroad period a pleasant and memorable experience.

Prior to Arrival in Berlin

After Arrival in Berlin - Orientation

After Arrival in Berlin - Academic Issues

Exam Period and Departure

"Studying at Freie Universität Berlin has been a unique and wonderful experience. This university was my first choice as it is an internationally highly respected unit, that amazed me with the courses offered in many European languages. My stay at Freie Universität Berlin so far has exceeded my expectations. The classes I attend are conducted at the highest level by lecturers with extensive experience and extremely broad knowledge. The topics discussed relate to the current challenges facing lawyers and allow for a better understanding of the current situation through a thorough and interdisciplinary analysis of the past."

- Julia (22), exchange student from Wrocław, Poland