Der Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft befindet sich im Carrée der Boltzmannstraße/Van't-Hoff-Straße
Image Credit: Sabine Molkenthin
Students at the Law Department of Freie Universität Berlin should acquire the ability to comprehend the law and understand its philosophical, historical and economical foundations as well as the bases of law-making policy. In particular students should acquire the knowledge necessary to apply the law in the legal practice. They should also learn the methods for evaluating both legal decisions and the way how law is being shaped in a modern society. The aim of our programs is to establish a relationship to other disciplines and to legal practice so that the students learn how to integrate, by using interdisciplinary study methods, the findings of other disciplines into their own academic field.
- Law programme targeted at the first legal examination
- Incoming Exchange Students
- Master's program
- Doctoral studies