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About the MBL

The course is geared towards lawyers and economists with a strong interest in the field of economic law. It gives them the opportunity to obtain in-depth, specialized knowledge of international and European competition and regulatory law. Lawyers and economists who are already practicing competition and regulatory law in businesses, law firms or public authorities will have the opportunity to significantly deepen their knowledge and skills.

The MBL-FU program is a full-time degree program with 60 ECTS. It combines in-class teaching and learning methods with interactive e-learning exercises and tools such as wikis and blogs. To obtain the Magister Legum of Business Law (LL.M. MBL), you have to successfully complete all 7 modules and a master thesis. Our courses require substantial amounts of work outside the classroom.

Blended learning is an educational approach that combines in-class teaching and learning methods with interactive e-learning exercises and tools such as wikis and blogs.

The MBL-FU is one of very few post-graduate programs in Germany that consistently make use of blended learning: On Fridays, Saturdays, and sometimes on Thursdays, students attend lectures, tutorials and research seminars in the classroom. The rest of the week, students do assignments and project work via the university’s e-learning platform Blackboard. Both segments are integral and compulsory components of the curriculum.

Our program’s in-class lectures and tutorials are complemented with a variety of digital assignments. Our students write blog entries, create and comment wikis or make use of the extensive content collections which they can find on the university’s e-learning platform Blackboard. The e-learning segments are an integral part of our curriculum and must be successfully completed to obtain the final degree.

Throughout the entire program, our students are continuously supported by the MBL team. Our international and multilingual staff assists the students with any woes—might they relate to the curriculum or to organizational aspects of their studies.

We do not grant scholarships or tuition waivers. If you need financial support, we recommend that you search the following websites and institutions for customized funding opportunities:

Please note that the terms and conditions of scholarships may differ from those of our program. For more information about the requirements and deadlines for specific scholarship applications, please refer to the respective scholarship sponsors.

Upon request, we will support your application for scholarships by certifying that you are eligible for the program. However, you have to direct your applications for scholarships to the respective scholarship sponsor.

Upon successful completion of the MBL-FU degree, students are awarded 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

Tuition is 4,750.00 EUR per term, for a total of 9,500.00 EUR. The tuition requirement applies to EU and non-EU students alike. In addition, students have to pay the semester fees and contributions. Please note that these do not include the so-called "semester ticket" for local public transportation.

If you decide to drop out of the program after you have been admitted but before the program starts, or if you interrupt the program during the first four weeks of the first semester, you will have to pay half the tuition for the first semester. Any additional payments which you may have made will be reimbursed. If you decide to drop out at a later point, you will have to pay tuition in full.