Fremdsprachige Rechtswissenschaftliche Kurse
- AI & IT Law - Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology and Computer Law *
- Comparative European Contract Law
- Creative Writing *
- EU Competition Law *
- European and German Company Law
- European Immigration Law *
- Freedom of Expression: Comparative Perspectives *
- Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition (Moot Court)
- International Arbitration
- International Contracts: Dispute Resolution Clauses and Conflict of Laws *
- International Law, Empire & Resistance *
- Introduction au Droit Civil Français *
- Introduction to the U.S. American Law and Legal System
- Justice for all: Access to Justice across Jurisdictions *
- Law and Economics of Public Companies
- Lineamenti di diritto privato italiano
- Lineamenti di diritto pubblico italiano
- Model UN: The United Nations Security Council and Climate Change *
- Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court (Moot Court)
- Responsabilità extracontrattuale: profili teorici e analisi casistica
- The Changing Nature of Peace and Security *
- Willem C. Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot (Moot Court)
* Es kann nicht garantiert werden, dass dieser Kurs in jedem Studienjahr tatsächlich angeboten wird.