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FU-Delegation wins Award at NMUN 2023

NMUN 2023 Closing FU-Delegation

FU-Delegation at the UN General Assembly Hall

News vom 20.04.2023

FU Berlin-Delegation to the National Model United Nations Conference 2023 Wins Award


After having missed out on our participation at NMUN due to the COVID-Pandemic, FU Berlin returned to the conference as representation of Spain with great success. The FU-Delegation received the Award 'Honorable Mention' from the organizers.

The students have been preparing to represent Spain  since October last year and worked on 16 topics, ranging from ‘Addressing the Illicit Supply of Weapons to Non-State Actors’, ‘Protecting Refugees from Human Trafficking’ to ‘Strengthening Action to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal Life under Water  (SDG 14)’, to only name a few.

The award is a great accomplishment and an important recognition of the dedicated and demanding work and high level of commitment the whole team has shown throughout our preparations in Berlin.

We especially like to thank the Spanish Embassy in Berlin and the Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations in New York for the tremendous support they gave us!

You can find out more about this year’s FU Delegation and the Committee topics here.

For more information on NMUN, visit us during the International Week (29 June 2023, 14-15h, Room 4404) or refer to our website!

Dr. Peggy Wittke
Felix Schott
Faculty Advisors
Chair Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Philipp Aust

Join the FU-Delegation on Youtube.

Weitere Informationen bei:

Dr. Peggy Wittke
Model United Nations/Model European Union
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft
Van't-Hoff-Str. 8, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 838 547 05
E-Mail: peg@zedat.fu-berlin.de

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