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Legal research in the Law Library of Freie Universität Berlin

The Law LIbrary of Freie Universität Berlin holds a collection of approximately 800.000 media units in print and provides access to a large number of electronic media within the library system of the Free University. Research in this collection is possible on the research platform Primo.

Research for specific media (i.e. books or articles in journals) may also be found adequately in the catalogs of libraries and on the platforms of scientific library consortia.

The online catalog of Freie Universität Berlin (OPAC) holds information on all print media acquired since 1990 and some media acquired before. Printed media acquired in the law library before 1990 and not yet included in the online catalog can be found in the scan catalog (IPAC).

Zugang zur Datenbank beck-online (im Rahmen der Lizenzbedingungen - nicht über WLAN/LAN möglich)
Zugang zur Datenbank LexisNexis Academic