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Introduction to the use of databases and catalogues and to web-research

Jun 06, 2025 | 09:00 AM s.t. - 10:30 AM

please register by e-mail

On Friday, June 6th, 2025, from 9.00 - 10.30 a.m., there will be a general

introduction to research in legal databases and in internet resources
in the Law Library

in German open for all users of the Law Library of the Free University of Berlin. No registration is necessary. We will introduce to the use of databases, online bibliographies, E-Journals and E-books and to the classifiation used in our library.

The introduction will be held in Computer Room PC-Pool 2 in the Law Library, Van't-Hoff-St. 8, 14195 Berlin.

If you need an introduction in English or if you prefer a digital introduction, please do not hesitate to contact bibliothek@rewiss.fu-berlin.de.

Time & Location

Jun 06, 2025 | 09:00 AM s.t. - 10:30 AM

Computer-Room PC-Pool 2, Law Library, Van't-Hoff-Str. 8

Zugang zur Datenbank beck-online (im Rahmen der Lizenzbedingungen - nicht über WLAN/LAN möglich)
Zugang zur Datenbank LexisNexis Academic