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Outgoing Exchange Students

Studying abroad is the perfect way to find new friends in remote countries such as Chile.

Studying abroad is the perfect way to find new friends in remote countries such as Chile.
Image Credit: Lynn de Haan

In the current globalized legal environment, all students of law should add an international experience to their national legal education. Therefore, the Law Department of Freie Universität Berlin maintains many contacts with universities from Europe and from overseas. Law students can choose among the following partner Law Schools and programs:

Partner Universities (all programs)

Erasmus-Program of the European Union

Director of the Program: Grit Rother
Student Contact: International Office at the Law Department

Themis Program - Joint Certificate in International and Business Law

Director of the Program: Professor Dr. Christian Armbrüster
Student Contact: International Office at the Law Department

Studying at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies in London

Director of the Program: Professor Dr. Helmut Grothe
Student Contact: International Office at the Law Department

Overseas Program

Director of the Program: Grit Rother
Student Contact: International Office at the Law Department